Monday, 26 October 2009


First of all, i finished the new holiday event, it was my first ever, so it was quite interesting but boring at times.

My biggest achievement yet... 40 ATTACK!! Thanks to everyone who has motivated me!
But my biggest thanks go to Merch Gwyar and Aximili E I, i wouldnt still be playing runescape if it werent for them. It all started at the cow patch, when i was skinning the cows for the hides at level 15. Merch Gwyar walked along, quitely admiring the landscape with her shining cape of accomplishment. I stared in awe as she walked by, she then stopped and looked at me, i gasped, she said to me 'Hey xCJRx, remember to bury your bones! It's the greatest lesson ive been taught.' I said ok, at the time, i was 12 prayer from quests, im now 27 prayer just by burying and using a gilded altar with Bones that I collected. Merch Gwyar has been a great friend since that day.

Aximili E I, what can i say? You've been a gem, its been great playing with you and i hope we have many fun adventures together :) Aximili E I trudged for hours thorugh mud, and whatever else is in runescape's pixel ground. He literally walked for hours, helping me, and then the day after, he went out of his road to help ME. I wish i could do something to help HIM. :)

To be honest folks, meeting Merch Gwyar and Aximili E I was my GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT. Nothing else. Oh I almost forgot, here's the 40 attack pictures! (top)

Got 40 strength (8:41 PM)
Got 40 defence (9:54 PM)
Completed Priest in Peril (10:21 PM)


  1. As I said on RS I don't know what to say... Its a pleasure to help someone new and to make new friends =D I'm so glad that Ive help brighten your RS experience. =D

    "i hope we have many fun adventures together :)" Oh you will trust me =D
    "I wish i could do something to help HIM. :)" Continue to be a great friend and you have done exactly that.

  2. Aww thank you very much. It was a pleasure to meet you too. <3
